615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Using Amazon.com for Topic Research

If you’ve read much of our blog (or our articles, books, etc.), then you know that we are HUGE advocates of using content distribution as a primary search engine marketing strategy. It has many benefits: it establishes your credibility as an expert, it gets your...

Article Post Robot: Recommended Article Distribution Software

I have been trying out an article distribution software package called Article Post Robot, and so far I am impressed. Unlike many other things I have tried, this may actually be worth the money. Article Post Robot has some features that I really like. For one thing,...

In Search of the Perfect Article Marketing Solution

Jerry Work here. I do a lot of article marketing. For a while, I got heavy into video, but it is more difficult to produce video for third-party clients than it is to produce my own. So ultimately, text content creation and distribution is still the most effective...

New Article Software We Are Trying Out

We try out new tools for doing our job better and faster all the time. One that I am currently trying out is an online service called JetSubmitter. This tool does two things: it creates spun articles from your seed article, and it distributes those articles to a few...

How to Promote a Web Site on $100 and 2 Hours per Week

Recently, I responded to a question on LinkedIn (or it could have been Yahoo!) where someone had asked the best way to promote a web site if all you had was $100 per month and a few hours of time. I thought it was an interesting question, but one that I felt I had a...

Top 5 Article Writing Tips for Making an Immediate Impact

In the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a ton of article writing. It has definitely moved to the top of my list of favored strategies. Article writing serves two major purposes: branding and SEO. From a branding perspective, a well-written article can create the...