615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Same Old Problems with Microsoft Paid Search

I really want Microsoft to be successful in the paid search business. I think it would be wonderful for all of us involved in the search engine marketing game if Google had some viable competition for search engine ads. Unfortunately, Microsoft continues to shoot...

Microsoft Buying Yahoo! Would Be Wonderful for Advertisers

I read over the weekend that Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo!. They are willing to pay a nice premium over where the stock is at right now (having been beaten down by disappointing earnings), so it would represent a nice profit for Yahoo! stockholders. Will the deal...

Microsoft's Latest Keyword Research Tool: adCenter Add-in for Excel

Microsoft has released a new tool for use by advertisers on its search engine – adCenter Add-in for Excel 2007. Microsoft describes it as:”…a keyword research and optimization tool that can help you understand keyword popularity and trends, and gain...

A Few Quick Microsoft AdCenter Tips

Like all of the major search engine ad platforms, Microsoft’s AdCenter has some nice features as well as some not-so-nice features. One feature we like is its bulk keyword editing feature. For one of our accounts, We imported a data file that contained both...

Pay-Per-Click Ad Keyword Tracking: Just Do It!

Keyword tracking is very important to the success of a pay-per-click advertising campaign. If you have a conversion event page on your site, such as a thank you page or order confirmation page, you can measure your exact return on investment (ROI) or return on ad...

Microsoft adCenter Keyword Research Tool: Generating Demographic Data Useful to Your Search Engine Marketing

We have been doing a lot of pay-per-click campaign management that spans all three major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and MSN. We’ve always done Google, but with the newness of the Yahoo and MSN ad interfaces, it has given us the opportunity to learn some new...