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How to Run a Video Ad Campaign on YouTube

How to Run a Video Ad Campaign on YouTube

The way that people find and view video content is changing. Traditional television viewing continues to decline while consumers consume more and more video content through online channels. 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. That is an absolutely...
The Risk in Using Google Dynamic Ad Content…and What to Do About It

The Risk in Using Google Dynamic Ad Content…and What to Do About It

A feature of Google AdWords that I have used often is dynamic ads, whereby the exact search phrase that triggered the ad is used in the ad copy. For example, if one of your keywords is “Atlanta Volvo dealership”, the top title of the ad could be...

Hyper-Optimization: Kill It With this Extreme Strategy from the Work Media Internet Marketing Report

The Dumbing Down of Google (and How They’re Screwing the Small Business Man)

The Dumbing Down of Google (and How They’re Screwing the Small Business Man)

One thing Google has continued to do throughout its history is to make its products easier and easier for the common man to use. In theory, this sounds great. Anybody can start up an AdWords advertising campaign and immediately be on an even space with even the...
PPC Advertising – How Paid Search Landing Pages are Different

PPC Advertising – How Paid Search Landing Pages are Different

Your PPC advertising landing pages, or destination URLs, for your paid search ads are not the same as the regular pages of your website. You need to think about this strategically. As far as your main website goes, every page should fit into the overall layout of the...