615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Updating Twitter with TweetLater and TwitterFeed

The deeper we dig into the Twitter world, the more different ways we are finding to take advantage of it. I (this is Jerry) have to admit that I am much more intrigued by Twitter than I am with Facebook. I have yet to really realize the benefit of Facebook, although...

Don't Be Fooled by this Old SEO Trick

Here is a trick of the SEO trade: To demonstrate your skill in SEO by achieving a very high search engine ranking for a very low competition keyword. Look, if your site ranks well for a keyword that noone ever uses, have you really accomplished anything? No! My...

Social Media: Walking Down a Hallway with Lots of Doors

There is a classic business metaphor that associates being in business with walking down a hallway with lots of doors. Just walking down the hallway (the state of conducting some kind of business) will reveal opportunities that you could not see until you walked down...

New Direction for Work Media

Work media is enjoying our new office located in downtown Dickson. Our productivity is up and our travel time is way down. We can all get to the office in 15 minutes or less, which uses more time to spend researching Internet Marketing strategies and applying them to...

Using Groups to Organize Your Twitter Account with TweetDeck

Once your Twitter account gets up to a couple thousand followers, it can be difficult to manage. Unless you’re rich and don’t have anything better to do, you can’t really sit around all day and do nothing but read tweets. However, checking out what...

How to Use Your Blog and Twitter Account to Keep Facebook Updated Automatically

Using a tool like Ping.fm, you can integrate your blog, your Twitter account, and your Facebook account. We’re talking about dynamically combining content from multiple sources into content for a third or more web page.Here is a hypothetical example.Let’s...

Meltdown on Twitter Street

This weekend, it seems that many thousands of Twitter users had their accounts suspended for no reason. Twitter’s excuse is that there was a “spamcloud” that had to be dealt with…So, my first question is: what the heck is a spamcloud?My second...

The Three Critical Criteria for Judging SEO Keywords

The first step in any Internet marketing campaign is picking the right keywords. Many businesses and law firms make the mistake of choosing keywords to target based on their opinion of what keywords potential customers would use to search for them, rather than basing...

Same Old Problems with Microsoft Paid Search

I really want Microsoft to be successful in the paid search business. I think it would be wonderful for all of us involved in the search engine marketing game if Google had some viable competition for search engine ads. Unfortunately, Microsoft continues to shoot...

Recommended Reading: Jay Abraham's The Sticking Point Solution

I am reading an outstanding book right now, Jay Abraham’s The Sticking Point Solution. I cannot recommend it enough. If you don’t know who Jay Abraham is, he is possibly the world’s top marketing expert. To hire Abraham for personal consulting for...