Jan 26, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, sponsored search, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
Yesterday we began our discussion of the dual disciplines of successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing with an explanation of the mathematician side. Today we continue that discussion by looking at the artist side – the part of the process that involves creative...
Jan 25, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
Pay-Per-Click, or Sponsored Search, marketing is an interesting field because of the duality of skills necessary to be successful in it. On one hand, you have to understand the numbers – you have to know what a customer is worth to you, how many visitors to your...
Jan 23, 2007 | brand, Branding, internet marketing, online branding, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO
We are currently managing a pay-per-click campaign for a client that is going well in terms of driving traffic to his site, but poorly in terms of conversions. The problem is that our client’s web site does not look as professional as his competitors. This got...
Jan 22, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, MSN, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web site marketing, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Search Marketing
When setting up keywords for our PPC campaigns, it is generally a better strategy to set up keywords and ads with as much granularity as possible – in other words, use lots of ads for small sets of related keywords, rather than have a single ad running for lots...
Jan 18, 2007 | blog, blog marketing, Blogging, blogging advice, internet marketing
Man, it is hard coming up with something original to write about almost every single day. With that in mind, we thought today we would just point out a few blogs we have been checking out that we really like:http://www.copyblogger.com/ I think...
Jan 17, 2007 | internet marketing, keword density, search engine marketing, search marketing, SEO
When engaging in on-site optimization (i.e., changing the code and text of your web page to rank highly in the search engines), one of the primary criteria you should use is “keyword density”.Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or phrase...
Jan 16, 2007 | content, content creation, conversion strategy, internet marketing, search engine marketing, search marketing, sem, SEO, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing
You put a lot of work into getting people to your web site – search engine optimization, pay-per-click, content creation – but it doesn’t mean much if you are not able to convert traffic into customers. Following are a few tips for improving your...
Jan 15, 2007 | internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO
A San Fransisco-based company called Eyetools has just released a new report based on eye tracking research involving people performing searches on Google. The URL to read about the research is:http://www.eyetools.com/inpage/research_google_eyetracking_heatmap.htmThe...
Jan 11, 2007 | internet marketing, keyword research, keywords, MSN, MSN Labs, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO, sponsored search
We’ve spent the last couple of blog posts discussing the MSN AdCenter Labs beta tools and how you might use them for marketing purposes. Today we are going to finalize that discussion by looking at one more of the tools, the Online Commercial Intention Director....
Jan 10, 2007 | internet marketing, keyword research, marketing, MSN, MSN Labs, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO, web marketing, web site marketing
Yesterday we began our discussion of MSN AdCenter Labs beta tools for Internet marketing purposes. Today we continue that discussion by looking at a couple more of the tools, the Keyword Forecast tool and Demographics Prediction tool. Here is the URL:...