615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Learning How to Podcast

Work Media has begun doing a podcast. This is definitely a new area for us. We blog all the time (obviously), but to me, it is more difficult to smoothly convey a message with spoken words, rather than printed words. In print, I have all the time I need to compose my...

Powerful Search Engine Advice Straight from the Source

Matt Cutts is an engineer with Google who has become quite famous within the Internet marketing community for his blog posts that help online marketers better understand how Google works. A recent MediaPost article focusing on tips culled from various Cutts blog posts...

Five Pieces of Blogging Advice

Here are five pieces of advice for your blog (you do blog don’t you?).1. Go deep. Here’s what we mean – unless you’re the kind of writer who is so fascinating that people will hang on your every word no matter what you say – and...

Preparing for the Onslaught of New Business

Jerry Work here. I have no idea what to write about today. I’m not feeling very inspired. I have not had very much time the last few days to work on the AdWords management application, so there’s not much to talk about with that. I was up ALL night Monday...

Blogging – Mailing it in

Jerry Work here. Man, I really “mailed it in” in my last blog post. In other words, I basically just slapped some words down to get something out, but did not put much real effort into it. But sometimes you have to do that just to keep the thing going. The...

Blogging for Search Engine Rankings – the Local Perspective

Work Media is finishing up our first month of providing blogging services for one of our clients. The experiment has gone well. We blog all the time for our own purposes (we’re up to post number 115 – whoohoo!). But to blog for someone else in a completely...