615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Work Media – Business Update

Here are just a few happenings from around the office. Not that this stuff is particularly interesting to anyone, but I gotta write about something. I’m not feeling particularly creative today.We had a fantastic call today with a company in California that is...

Keyword Relative Value: a Simplified Way of Measuring Search Engine Visibility

This week we published an article on our web site discussing a concept we have developed called Keyword Relative Value. The article can be accessed via the link below:https://workmedia.net/articles/Keyword-Relative-Value.aspTo quote from the article:We developed a...

Publicity the Easy Way: Using PRWeb

We just paid to have a press release distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, if you don’t know, is a press release distribution service that is tied into a large network of web sites and people to whom it distributes press releases. PRWeb has four basic levels of service...

Top 5 Article Writing Tips for Making an Immediate Impact

In the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a ton of article writing. It has definitely moved to the top of my list of favored strategies. Article writing serves two major purposes: branding and SEO. From a branding perspective, a well-written article can create the...

Our Thoughts On Several Second Tier Paid Search Platforms

We have been experimenting with second tier, or alternative, paid search platforms. Here are our thoughts on these platforms:Turn. This is a really cool concept. We love the pay per action model, where you specify an amount you are willing to pay for the completion of...

SEO Linking: How to Find the Links that Matter the Most

An excellent source of links to your web site are the sites that already link to your highest-ranked competitors. Do you want to really get in-depth in researching what web sites link to your competitors? Then follow these steps:1. If you don’t have the Firefox...