Sep 6, 2007 | AdWords Editor, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sem, web marketing, web site marketing
Google AdWords Editor lets you export AdWords account data in several different formats – as a CSV file, as an AdWords Editor archive file, as an AdWords Editor sharing file, and as an HTML file. File exporting options are available via the File link on the main...
Sep 5, 2007 | AdWords Editor, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sem, web marketing, web site marketing
We thought we would step back a moment in this blog post and discuss each of the tabbed sections on the right-hand side of the Google AdWords interface.The right-hand side of the Google AdWords Editor is divided into eight different screens, with tabs at the top to...
Aug 30, 2007 | AdWords Editor, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sem, web marketing
Continuing with our Google Power Users series focusing on the Google AdWords Editor…Google AdWords Editor can be used to quickly set up site-targeted campaigns. To do so, follow these steps:1. Right-click on the account name in the left-hand menu.2. Click...
Jul 19, 2007 | google, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sponsored search, web marketing
There seem to be some technical issues going on at Google related to reporting. We have one client who is unable to change the range of data reported in his control panel. To see a specific range of data, he has to go through the full process of creating a report....
May 7, 2007 | bid management, internet marketing, pay-per-click, PPC, roas, search marketing, sem, sponsored search, web marketing
We have given advice on numerous occasions about using an ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)-based approach in setting your initial bids. In other words, don’t just GUESS what your opening bids should be – use some logic to set a bid that will allow you to make a...
Apr 27, 2007 | conversion strategy, HTML, internet marketing, scripting, search engine optimization, search marketing, sem, SEO, tracking, web marketing, web site marketing
We have a client for whom we are managing a small pay-per-click campaign. We are trying to implement tracking, with a conversion being defined as the submission of a form on their site. We need to do this to determine what keywords or ad copy results in the best...