615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Microsoft Buying Yahoo! Would Be Wonderful for Advertisers

I read over the weekend that Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo!. They are willing to pay a nice premium over where the stock is at right now (having been beaten down by disappointing earnings), so it would represent a nice profit for Yahoo! stockholders. Will the deal...

Managing a Paid Search Campaign: The Importance of Goals

I’m still working on the specs for our Google AdWords management application. I have to say…even just doing specs for something like this is a laborious task. Trying to get everything out of my head and onto paper that I want the application to do is...

Importing Google Data Into Yahoo! – Things to Keep in Mind

Earlier this week I was trying to import a Google campaign into Yahoo!. Yahoo! has this tool that is supposed to convert a spreadsheet with Google campaign data into the correct format to work with Yahoo!. Well, that thing seems to be a piece of crap. We ended up...

Things to Test in Your Paid Search Ad Copy

The human mind is a wondrous and complicated thing. It is also completely unpredictable. When it comes to writing ads for paid search marketing, you might think you know what copy will cause people to click your ad…but you really don’t. We’ve...

150 Blog Posts and Going Strong

This marks Work Media’s 150th blog post. Whoohoo! To those of you who have been along for the ride, we thank you. If you’re new to Work Media, then welcome. If you don’t know, Work Media is a small Internet marketing firm based in Nashville. The...

The New Yahoo! Search Marketing Book Has Been Launched

Okay, after months of researching, writing, scrapping what we just wrote, re-writing, and re-writing some more, we have finally launched our latest book:Yahoo! Search Marketing User’s Handbook & Strategy GuideWe believe this is the first book on the market...