615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Seach Engine Marketing: the Trouble with API's

An “API” is an Application Programming Interface that allows you to hook into another computer system to exchange information with it. For example, Google and Yahoo both have search API’s that allow you to extract search data from their systems for...

The Two Disciplines of Successful Pay-Per-Click Marketing, Part 2

Yesterday we began our discussion of the dual disciplines of successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing with an explanation of the mathematician side. Today we continue that discussion by looking at the artist side – the part of the process that involves creative...

The Two Disciplines of Successful Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-Per-Click, or Sponsored Search, marketing is an interesting field because of the duality of skills necessary to be successful in it. On one hand, you have to understand the numbers – you have to know what a customer is worth to you, how many visitors to your...

Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Keyword Research Tips

When setting up keywords for our PPC campaigns, it is generally a better strategy to set up keywords and ads with as much granularity as possible – in other words, use lots of ads for small sets of related keywords, rather than have a single ad running for lots...

SEO versus SEM: What to Do, and When to Do It

For our first post of 2007, we thought we would step back for a moment and talk about the differences between Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing, and which is best to concentrate on.Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing...

Search Marketing: Pay-Per-Click Ad Writing Tips

Here is some advice on writing successful pay-per-click ads.You’re probably going to have to write a lot of ads. Even if you only have 100 keywords in your campaign, those ads need to be targeted to the keywords. You can somewhat reduce the workload by using...