615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Part 2

I had a good day yesterday working on our Google AdWords management application. I started implementing keyword research functionality. I created a .NET user control and class that lets the user perform keyword research, using Google’s keyword data, which is...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application

Jerry Work here. I think I never commented on my daughter. She had surgery last week to fix a kidney reflux problem, which basically caused her urine to flow the wrong way. The surgery went well, although there will probably be some additional future treatment...

Mashups – the Future of Online Application Development

Jerry here. For those of you who had inquired about the status of my daughter, she is doing just fine. The surgery was a success. She is waking up in the middle of the night in quite a bit of pain, but for the most part she is still a happy, healthy baby. I was at...

MediaPost Survey Reveals Strength of Online Marketing

Jerry Work here. I do most of the blogging for Work Media. The way my partner/brother Chris and I work is that I do most of the content stuff, such as blogging, we both do paid search, Chris does more pure SEO, and I handle very technical issues, such as the...

Generating Marketing Data with Heat Map Analysis

Heat map analysis is coming of age as a tool in the Internet marketer’s toolkit. Heat map analysis creates a visual display of mouse movement or click activity over a web page. The idea is that where the mouse moves to, human eyes are following. Where the mouse...