615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Business Lesson from the Desk of Jerry Work: Slow the Game Down

The condition of having wealth can’t compare to the knowledge and power gained from the process of creating that wealth. It’s not even close.In sports, top athletes talk about slowing the game down; letting the game come to them. It’s much the same...

How to Use Trend Hopping with Print on Demand to Sell More Stuff Online

We have made heavy use of print on demand, or POD, as a credibility builder. POD allows anyone to be an author and publisher. It doesn’t matter how obscure the material or how small the audience. Today I want to explore a concept that we call “trend...

The Lane Kiffin Approach to Marketing

A recent response to one of my blog posts got me thinking about the concept of notoriety. Does my company push the envelope with regard to Internet marketing strategies? Hell yes! But we normally end up backing up somewhat until we find the middle ground – that...

Getting Down and Dirty with Link Swapping

Don’t tell me about search engine marketing. I have been doing this for years. I have hundreds of articles and blog posts all over the Web. I have two books in print. I have many satisfied clients. I know SEO.So I feel qualified to tell you that, without a...

An Example of a Cleanly Coded Site

We just finished work on a small web site for a local client, Property Solutions of Tennessee, which provides janitorial cleaning services for businesses in Nashville. Here is the URL:http://www.propertysolutionstn.comI advise you to check out the HTML on this site...

The Competitive Mindset Online Versus Offline

I’m a big fan of books like Think and Grow Rich and The Science of Getting Rich. I like that mental success stuff. Regardless of how much credence you give to the idea that one’s mind can influence external events, you can’t deny that your chances of...

Sometimes You Just Wanna Be Anonymous

In general, our intention with online marketing is to get as much exposure as possible. However, in the course of doing that, we set ourselves up for failure. How? By being considered overly aggressive by the people who run the sites we depend on to help us spread our...

Article Post Robot: Recommended Article Distribution Software

I have been trying out an article distribution software package called Article Post Robot, and so far I am impressed. Unlike many other things I have tried, this may actually be worth the money. Article Post Robot has some features that I really like. For one thing,...

In Search of the Perfect Article Marketing Solution

Jerry Work here. I do a lot of article marketing. For a while, I got heavy into video, but it is more difficult to produce video for third-party clients than it is to produce my own. So ultimately, text content creation and distribution is still the most effective...

Return to Squidoo

I logged into Squidoo yesterday to build a new lens (“lens” being Squidoospeak for a web page) for a client. It had been a while since I had logged in, which isn’t good but isn’t necessarily bad either. One of the great things about Squidoo is...