615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

How to Promote a Web Site on $100 and 2 Hours per Week

Recently, I responded to a question on LinkedIn (or it could have been Yahoo!) where someone had asked the best way to promote a web site if all you had was $100 per month and a few hours of time. I thought it was an interesting question, but one that I felt I had a...

Top 5 Article Writing Tips for Making an Immediate Impact

In the last few weeks, I’ve been doing a ton of article writing. It has definitely moved to the top of my list of favored strategies. Article writing serves two major purposes: branding and SEO. From a branding perspective, a well-written article can create the...

Our 200th blog post: Our Very Best Tips for Successful Search Engine Marketing

Well, well…here we are…200 blog posts. Please excuse us while we give ourselves a pat on the back…[pat, pat, pat]…We thought we would use this occasion to give some of our very best tips for promoting your web site:Pick one keyword for which to...

Search Engine Marketing: Hot Tips for Writing Better Articles

Article writing continues to be one of the most effective search engine marketing techniques in existence. It has two major benefits: it is a good branding move because it makes you appear like an expert in your field; and it generates one-way links to your web site...