Oct 4, 2007 | AdWords Editor, api, application development, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, web site marketing
I had a good day yesterday working on our Google AdWords management application. I started implementing keyword research functionality. I created a .NET user control and class that lets the user perform keyword research, using Google’s keyword data, which is...
Oct 3, 2007 | api, application development, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sem, web marketing, web site marketing
Jerry Work here. I think I never commented on my daughter. She had surgery last week to fix a kidney reflux problem, which basically caused her urine to flow the wrong way. The surgery went well, although there will probably be some additional future treatment...
Oct 1, 2007 | api, application development, internet marketing, mashup, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, Programming, search engine marketing, web marketing, web service
Jerry here. For those of you who had inquired about the status of my daughter, she is doing just fine. The surgery was a success. She is waking up in the middle of the night in quite a bit of pain, but for the most part she is still a happy, healthy baby. I was at...
Sep 24, 2007 | internet marketing, surveys
Jerry Work here. I do most of the blogging for Work Media. The way my partner/brother Chris and I work is that I do most of the content stuff, such as blogging, we both do paid search, Chris does more pure SEO, and I handle very technical issues, such as the...
Sep 21, 2007 | analytics, click map, heat map, internet marketing, SEO
Heat map analysis is coming of age as a tool in the Internet marketer’s toolkit. Heat map analysis creates a visual display of mouse movement or click activity over a web page. The idea is that where the mouse moves to, human eyes are following. Where the mouse...
Sep 19, 2007 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, search engine optimization, web marketing, web site marketing, Yahoo Search Marketing
This marks Work Media’s 150th blog post. Whoohoo! To those of you who have been along for the ride, we thank you. If you’re new to Work Media, then welcome. If you don’t know, Work Media is a small Internet marketing firm based in Nashville. The...
Sep 17, 2007 | content, content creation, internet marketing, video, web marketing, web site marketing
The movement toward online video/entertainment continues to pick up speed. There are a lot of major established entertainment industry veterans, such as Disney’s Michael Eisner and the Coen brothers, who are creating content exclusively for the Web. This is a...
Sep 13, 2007 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, web marketing, web site marketing
One technique for fine tuning your Google AdWords campaign is to use Google’s geographic targeting options to only run your ads specific markets. One very good reason for this is if you only do business in certain markets. In this case, you will be wasting money...
Sep 12, 2007 | AdWords Editor, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing
In Google AdWords Editor, when you are on the Ad Groups screen/tab, there are two options for making bulk bid changes: Advanced Bid Changes and Advanced Content Bid Changes. They accomplish exactly the same thing for search and content bids, respectively.Clicking one...
Sep 10, 2007 | AdWords Editor, google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing
When working with text ads (in the Text Ads tab) in Google AdWords Editor, at the very bottom of the screen are two very handy functions – Replace Text and Advanced URL Changes.Replace Text does just what it says – it replaces text. It works just like...