615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Bringing Your Message to the Masses with Google Radio Ads

You may have noticed a new tab on your Google AdWords control panel – “Audio Ads”. The Audio Ads option lets you run a radio ad campaign in a very similar fashion as a paid search ad campaign. When you click the tab, you have the option to...

Please Excuse Our Lack of Blog Production

Well, I knew it would happen sooner or later. We’ve finally gotten so busy that publishing our blog has slipped way down our list of priorities as we do everything we can to keep our clients happy and our business growing. We apologize for the lack of new posts...

Google AdWords Power Management: the AdWords Editor

We at Work Media have started using the AdWords Editor tool quite a bit. The AdWords Editor is a free tool that Google recently released to allow for OFF-LINE editing of your AdWords account. It is a bare bones application with a couple of neat features. One feature...

Google QuickTip: Watch Your Dashes

When setting up Google AdWords ads, you have to split your ad copy up into two lines of 35 characters or less. To save space, you may be tempted to split up a word with a hyphen, starting the word on the first line and continuing on the second line. This is often the...

Conscientious Marketing

It is possible to weld the core business motive of generating profit with virtues such as charity and environmentalism. Not only is it possible, it is advisable.If you incorporate an element of charity into a marketing campaign, such as giving a percentage of earnings...

Getting Started With Autoresponder Marketing with GetResponse

Work Media has begun using the services of GetResponse.com, and so far we are highly impressed with the service. We don’t do much product recommending, but we’re going to make an exception. We did our research before signing up with an autoresponder...

Blogging for Search Engine Rankings – the Local Perspective

Work Media is finishing up our first month of providing blogging services for one of our clients. The experiment has gone well. We blog all the time for our own purposes (we’re up to post number 115 – whoohoo!). But to blog for someone else in a completely...

Autoresponders – a Critical Piece of the Internet Marketing Puzzle

You need to face facts – only a very small percentage of people who visit your web site are going to do business with you initially. You need to get that email address. The approach that Work Media has taken (and that probably many of you have taken) is to use a...

Search Engine Marketing: Not All Keywords Are Created Equal

We have given advice on numerous occasions about using an ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)-based approach in setting your initial bids. In other words, don’t just GUESS what your opening bids should be – use some logic to set a bid that will allow you to make a...

The New Yahoo! Search Marketing Book Has Been Launched

Okay, after months of researching, writing, scrapping what we just wrote, re-writing, and re-writing some more, we have finally launched our latest book:Yahoo! Search Marketing User’s Handbook & Strategy GuideWe believe this is the first book on the market...