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MSN Advertising: Taking Advantage of Dynamic Text Options, Part 2

Yesterday we began our discussion of dynamic text options when setting up pay-per-click ads to run on MSN, focusing mostly on the option to dynamically add the keyword into the title or ad copy. If you recall, there are four dynamic variables you can use in your ads:...

MSN Advertising; Taking Advantage of Dynamic Text Options

The Microsoft AdCenter console used to manage sponsored search ads on MSN has some very interesting dynamic text features that let you leverage your time and effort.When setting up an MSN ad, you enter text into four fields: Ad Title, Ad Text, Display URL, and...

Pay-Per-Click Marketing Analysis: Another Look at the Numbers

When preparing to begin a pay-per-click (ppc), or sponsored search, campaign, it really helps to go into the situation with an idea of what the numbers look like. By “the numbers”, we mean what kind of return on your investment you can expect assuming...

Warnings on PPC Bid Management Software

Bid management software for managing pay-per-click campaigns seem like a great idea. You tell the software what you want your campaign to accomplish, set up the ads, and let the software do the work of changing bids many times a day to accomplish your goals.But it...

Myriad Search: Another Tool for the Internet Marketer's Toolbox

Myriad Search (myriadsearch.com) is an interesting search engine research tool created by the guy who runs seobook.com. It lets you run a search query and generate a list of results that are a combination of rankings in four major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN,...

Google Site-Targeted Search Engine Campaigns: Another Internet Marketing Weapon

You already know about pay-per-click. If not, you haven’t been paying attention. Give us a call.But did you know that Google has an alternate ad distribution method called “site-targeted”? This is different than using the content network. Standard...

Getting Started Distributing Articles to Promote Your Web Site

Today we thought we would talk a little bit about where to distribute articles for Internet marketing purposes. If you’ve read much of our blog, then you know we are huge proponents of article distribution as a way to drive traffic to your web site. The key word...

Proof That Blogging Works as an Internet Marketing Technique

It took us a while to really get into blogging. Considering that our blog is not just personal musings on random topics but is instead meant to be an educational resource on the subject of Internet marketing, it took some discipline to get into the habit of thinking...

Yahoo! Search Marketing Secret Weapon: the Alternate Text Feature

We have been spending a fair amount of time lately exploring the new Yahoo Search Marketing interface, and we’ve come upon one new feature that we are very excited about. It’s the Alternate Text option for your keywords. This option lets you place a...

Seach Engine Marketing: the Trouble with API's

An “API” is an Application Programming Interface that allows you to hook into another computer system to exchange information with it. For example, Google and Yahoo both have search API’s that allow you to extract search data from their systems for...