615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Managing a Paid Search Campaign: The Importance of Goals

I’m still working on the specs for our Google AdWords management application. I have to say…even just doing specs for something like this is a laborious task. Trying to get everything out of my head and onto paper that I want the application to do is...

Friday Afternoon Musings

Friday afternoon…and we’ve not made a single blog post this week. Not good. I don’t really even have any knowledge to impart today, so I figured I would just use this post to let you know what’s going on around the Work Media offices.We have...

Microsoft's Latest Keyword Research Tool: adCenter Add-in for Excel

Microsoft has released a new tool for use by advertisers on its search engine – adCenter Add-in for Excel 2007. Microsoft describes it as:”…a keyword research and optimization tool that can help you understand keyword popularity and trends, and gain...

Improving Paid Search Performance Through Better Targeting

If you are driving traffic to your web site through paid search, but that traffic is not profitable, then you may need to re-examine how you are targeting your ads. Chances are your targeting is too broad. Remember, you don’t just target with your keywords...

Importing Google Data Into Yahoo! – Things to Keep in Mind

Earlier this week I was trying to import a Google campaign into Yahoo!. Yahoo! has this tool that is supposed to convert a spreadsheet with Google campaign data into the correct format to work with Yahoo!. Well, that thing seems to be a piece of crap. We ended up...

A Few Quick Microsoft AdCenter Tips

Like all of the major search engine ad platforms, Microsoft’s AdCenter has some nice features as well as some not-so-nice features. One feature we like is its bulk keyword editing feature. For one of our accounts, We imported a data file that contained both...