615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Find a Place to Blog

I’m typing this on my laptop on the way to the office (I commute with my brothers most days, which often gives me the opportunity to work in the car), typing as fast as I can because my battery is going dead. This is the place where my type out most of my blogs....

Exciting New Blogger Features that Will Bring Your Boring Blog to Life

Google has been working on some new features of the Blogger blogging platform which are really cool. To try them out, you just need a Blogger account. Then, rather than logging into blogger.com like you normally do, you log into draft.blogger.com. The new features...

Cool New Google Feature: WebCall

Google has a new feature in beta testing that is very cool. It places a button on your web site that lets visitors instantly connect to you on the phone, without showing your phone number. Calls are routed through an online interface and you have the option of...

Our 200th blog post: Our Very Best Tips for Successful Search Engine Marketing

Well, well…here we are…200 blog posts. Please excuse us while we give ourselves a pat on the back…[pat, pat, pat]…We thought we would use this occasion to give some of our very best tips for promoting your web site:Pick one keyword for which to...

Learning How to Podcast

Work Media has begun doing a podcast. This is definitely a new area for us. We blog all the time (obviously), but to me, it is more difficult to smoothly convey a message with spoken words, rather than printed words. In print, I have all the time I need to compose my...

Five Pieces of Blogging Advice

Here are five pieces of advice for your blog (you do blog don’t you?).1. Go deep. Here’s what we mean – unless you’re the kind of writer who is so fascinating that people will hang on your every word no matter what you say – and...