615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Our 200th blog post: Our Very Best Tips for Successful Search Engine Marketing

Well, well…here we are…200 blog posts. Please excuse us while we give ourselves a pat on the back…[pat, pat, pat]…We thought we would use this occasion to give some of our very best tips for promoting your web site:Pick one keyword for which to...

Allocating Your Advertising Budget: Think Before You Spend

Think before you spend. That is today’s lesson. We’re talking about spending with regard to what you spend on advertising, especially online advertising. We have a large client who inquired about advertising on the front page of Yahoo!. Before we even...

The Simple Secret to Ultimate Online Marketing Success

You probably don’t realize it, but you have the ultimate tool for business success right in front of you. Assuming you sell a reasonably high quality product or service, all you have to do to be successful is get people to your web site and then use the words on...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Trying to Finish

Yes, after all these months, we are still trying to finish the Google AdWords management application. Some time in late November, I decided that it was just going to take me too long to finish and stabilize the program myself. So I decided it was time to seek some...

Search Engine Marketing: Going Wide Versus Going Deep

We are in discussions to provide search engine marketing services to a company with a very significant presence in numerous Latin American countries. One of their primary competitors has been making extensive use of Google’s content network to distribute its...

Microsoft Buying Yahoo! Would Be Wonderful for Advertisers

I read over the weekend that Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo!. They are willing to pay a nice premium over where the stock is at right now (having been beaten down by disappointing earnings), so it would represent a nice profit for Yahoo! stockholders. Will the deal...