615-745-3094 info@workmedia.net

Introducing the Newest Member of the Work Media Family

Jerry Work here again. This weekend we succesfully produced the newest member of our family, Elizabeth Skyler Work, born 6:03PM Friday evening, weighing in at a healthy 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 20.5 inches. Here is a picture of our family – my wife, Wendi, my...

The State of Affairs at Work Media

Jerry Work here. These are exciting days around the Work Media headquarters. We have begun a search engine marketing consulting assignment for Bentley Systems, a CAD software company based in Philadelphia that is one of the most respected companies in the industry....

The Push Versus the Pull of Search Engine Marketing

While discussing the proper strategy for a new client who is in a brand new market, we realized that paid search would work, but that we would have to go about things a different way. The problem is there is no search traffic of any significance directly related to...

The Power of a Cohesive, Integrated Marketing Campaign

You need to think of all of your marketing efforts as an integrated campaign – TV, radio, print, search, online content networks…it all needs to support one another, and it all needs to be tightly focused on achieving some kind of objective.Now that video...

Managing Your Pay-Per-Click Spend When Funds Are Limited: Spend It or Save It?

If you are on a very limited search engine marketing budget, you face two options when it comes to budgeting: either spread your budget out over the whole month (divide your monthly budget by 30) or spend it until it’s gone, regardless if you use up your budget...