Jul 3, 2008 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay per click management, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sem
Quick Tip: For the first couple of weeks after launching a new AdWords campaign, watch your keywords every day to make sure they are still online.It’s easy to feel like you’ve accomplished something after setting up an AdWords campaign and beginning the...
Jun 27, 2008 | Google Adwords, internet marketing, keyword research, keywords, paid search, pay-per-click, search engine marketing, search engine optimization
The very best source of keyword data for your search engine optimization campaign may be your own paid search campaign. We use keyword research tools such as NicheBot.com a lot, especially early in the life of an SEO campaign. The problem is the data generated by such...
Jun 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
There are times when it is difficult to think of something to blog about, especially when you blog often. So here is a list of some starter ideas for blog posts.1. Things you like or don’t like.2. Industry news.3. Top list of reasons to do or not do something.4....
Jun 18, 2008 | google, internet marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, web marketing, web site marketing
Man, achieving a very high ranking in Google for desirable keywords can be tough. We have been heavily promoting our site for a few select keywords and are right on the cusp of positioning ourselves the way we want, but Google keeps bouncing us around. Now, I will say...
Jun 16, 2008 | ad writing, blog, blog management, Blogging, blogging advice, content creation, internet marketing, search engine marketing
I’m typing this on my laptop on the way to the office (I commute with my brothers most days, which often gives me the opportunity to work in the car), typing as fast as I can because my battery is going dead. This is the place where my type out most of my blogs....
Jun 12, 2008 | internet marketing, mobile pay per click, paid search, PPC, presidential primaries, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO
There are some important lessons to be learned from the presidential primaries that relate directly to search engine marketing:1. Successful search engine marketing requires diligence.2. You must make the most of the visits to your web site.For example, in the...
Jun 10, 2008 | search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, web marketing, web site marketing
SEO is a confusing service to purchase. Talk to ten different companies and you’ll hear much of the same thing, yet get ten wildly different prices.So here is a list of seven questions that will help you make the determination of what firm to hire. 1. How many...
Jun 6, 2008 | paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, return on investment, roi, search engine marketing, sem, sponsored search
I was having a conversation with my brothers this morning, and a thought popped in my mind that I thought I would share. Much of what we do here at Work Media is based around the idea of maximizing our clients’ ROI, or return on investment. Our clients give us...
Jun 4, 2008 | analytics, conversion strategy, Google Analytics, internet marketing, statistics, tracking, web site marketing
You need to pay close attention to what your Web site statistics are telling you. There are pieces to a story buried in your data. The more you dig, the more of that story you will learn. For example, here are some of the types of things you can learn:What keywords...
May 29, 2008 | internet marketing, link bait, linking, real simple syndication, RSS, search engine optimization, SEO, web site marketing
RSS, or “Real Simple Syndication,” is a file format that allows for the streaming of text Web content. It has two primary uses in the field of marketing, and you should probably make use of both. The two uses are to stream content from other Web publishers...