Apr 24, 2008 | internet marketing, landing page, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sem
The topic of today’s post may seem obvious. I mean, who wouldn’t make sure their landing pages work before launching a pay per click campaign? Well, we do make the assumption that you would test your pages before launching the campaign…but what about...
Apr 21, 2008 | article marketing, internet marketing, keyword research, linking, linking campaign, search engine optimization, SEO
Get used to being known as a keyword rather than a name. If you’re trying to generate search engine rankings, at least. For example, which of the following would make a better signature for an article or blog post response?www.franks.com – Jackson’s...
Apr 10, 2008 | blog, blog marketing, Blogger, Blogging, blogging advice, blogging service, google, internet marketing
Google has been working on some new features of the Blogger blogging platform which are really cool. To try them out, you just need a Blogger account. Then, rather than logging into blogger.com like you normally do, you log into draft.blogger.com. The new features...
Apr 8, 2008 | bid management, internet marketing, keywords, paid search, pay per click management, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, sem, web site marketing
In the course of working on our latest book, I have put a lot of thought into the concept of a trading-style system for managing a paid search campaign. There is definitely a correlation between investing in securities and investing in paid search. Every keyword you...
Apr 4, 2008 | amazon.com, internet marketing, public relations, Publicity
We have become involved in somewhat of a political movement in protesting recent actions taken by Amazon.com. It has to do with print-on-demand (“POD”) books, which are books printed a single copy at a time. Many independent authors use POD services to...
Apr 2, 2008 | email, internet marketing, technology, web hosting
We had some serious trouble with GoDaddy this week. We have recommended GoDaddy on numerous occasions, both in our blog and in-person. But our days of recommending GoDaddy are over. We had a terrible experience with them this week in which a mission-critical...