Dec 4, 2007 | ad writing, advertising, copywriting, Google Adwords, internet marketing, marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, web site marketing, Yahoo Search Marketing
The human mind is a wondrous and complicated thing. It is also completely unpredictable. When it comes to writing ads for paid search marketing, you might think you know what copy will cause people to click your ad…but you really don’t. We’ve...
Nov 29, 2007 | Facebook, Google Adwords, internet marketing, Yahoo
Just a few nuggets of information for your reading pleasure:In a continuing push to give advertisers more options and control, Google has released a new feature for the AdWords interface that allows advertisers to create a campaign template that can be used to quickly...
Nov 27, 2007 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-click, PPC, search engine marketing, search marketing, web marketing, web site marketing
‘Hope everybody had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I headed down to Memphis to spend a few days at my in-laws’. I lived in Memphis for several years. The city has gotten some bad press recently because of its’ crime rate, but it’s a great city with...
Nov 19, 2007 | google, Google Adwords, internet marketing, paid search, pay-per-action, pay-per-click, ppa, PPC, search marketing, sem, sponsored search, web marketing, web site marketing
Google has changed the name of its “site-targeted” AdWords campaigns to “placement-targeted.” We’re not sure of the reason behind the name because it’s the same thing it was before – a way for advertisers to advertise on...
Nov 14, 2007 | blog marketing, Blogging, blogging advice, content, content creation, google, internet marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, web site marketing
Matt Cutts is an engineer with Google who has become quite famous within the Internet marketing community for his blog posts that help online marketers better understand how Google works. A recent MediaPost article focusing on tips culled from various Cutts blog posts...