615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

Designing a Pay per Click Management System

In the course of working on our latest book, I have put a lot of thought into the concept of a trading-style system for managing a paid search campaign. There is definitely a correlation between investing in securities and investing in paid search. Every keyword you...

Battling Amazon

We have become involved in somewhat of a political movement in protesting recent actions taken by Amazon.com. It has to do with print-on-demand (“POD”) books, which are books printed a single copy at a time. Many independent authors use POD services to...

Technology Problems are Bad for Business

We had some serious trouble with GoDaddy this week. We have recommended GoDaddy on numerous occasions, both in our blog and in-person. But our days of recommending GoDaddy are over. We had a terrible experience with them this week in which a mission-critical...

Monday Morning Update

Okay, we’re back in action (as far as this blog goes). My daughter had her surgery Wednesday, and it seemed to go well. I tell ya, babies are tough. If I had had the same surgery, I would have been lying around moaning for days. My daughter, on the other hand,...

That's all for this week…

This may be our last blog post of the week. My 11 month old daughter is having surgery tomorrow, so I will be out of the office the rest of the week. I will be working on some things at the hospital, but I probably won’t be blogging. Chris doesn’t do much...

Thinking Hard About Pay Per Click Management Strategy

I’ve been reading a lot lately about trading systems – that is, rules-based strategies for making short-term investments in stocks or other securities. So far, most of my personal stock purchases have been made in more of an “investing” mode,...

Breaking Out of Our Shell

For a blogger, I don’t get out much. Most successful bloggers spend all kinds of time reading other blogs, posting, being active in blog communities…and I don’t know how they do it. How the heck do you do that and still get any work done? We still...

The Latest Things You Should Know About Google

Here are a couple of items of news from the Google camp that we thought were interesting, and that you should know about.First off, Google now takes the loading time of your landing pages into consideration when determining relevance for AdWords ads. Google requires...

Improving Return on Equity with Pay per Click Marketing

The mark of an exceptional company is the ability to generate ever greater returns on equity. For instance, if your company has $1 million of accounting equity, and you generate $200 thousand in earnings (profit), then your return on equity is 20%. Your goal for next...

Work Media – Business Update

Here are just a few happenings from around the office. Not that this stuff is particularly interesting to anyone, but I gotta write about something. I’m not feeling particularly creative today.We had a fantastic call today with a company in California that is...