615-745-3094 info@workmedia.net

Google AdWords Editor: Cut & Pasting Ad Groups

The AdWords Editor makes it very easy to set up new ad groups, ads or keywords based on ones that already exist. This is particularly helpful in two situations: when you require ad groups that are very similar except for some kind of central concept, and when you want...

Google Campaign Management: an Introduction to AdWords Editor

AdWords Editor is a client-side program released by Google to allow for off-line AdWords account management. “Client-side” means that the program is installed and runs on your hard drive, rather than from a web site. The advantage of the program is that it...

Google's New Geographic Ad Preview

Well, we’ve done it – we went a whole month between blog posts. I am definitely not proud of that fact. Hey, business is good, but that’s no excuse to let our blog die. So let’s try this again.One problem we’ve had with Google up to this...

Fine Tuning Your Google AdWords Keywords with the Search Query Performance Report

We are running a large campaign for a software company that sales design-related products. A lot of our time thus far on the project has been devoted to ad group “expansion” (that is, expanding the number of keywords and ads in each ad group). It is a...

Please Excuse Our Lack of Blog Production

Well, I knew it would happen sooner or later. We’ve finally gotten so busy that publishing our blog has slipped way down our list of priorities as we do everything we can to keep our clients happy and our business growing. We apologize for the lack of new posts...

Google AdWords Power Management: the AdWords Editor

We at Work Media have started using the AdWords Editor tool quite a bit. The AdWords Editor is a free tool that Google recently released to allow for OFF-LINE editing of your AdWords account. It is a bare bones application with a couple of neat features. One feature...