615-219-9412 info@workmedia.net

The Simple Secret to Ultimate Online Marketing Success

You probably don’t realize it, but you have the ultimate tool for business success right in front of you. Assuming you sell a reasonably high quality product or service, all you have to do to be successful is get people to your web site and then use the words on...

Search Engine Marketing: Hot Tips for Writing Better Articles

Article writing continues to be one of the most effective search engine marketing techniques in existence. It has two major benefits: it is a good branding move because it makes you appear like an expert in your field; and it generates one-way links to your web site...

Chronicling the Development of a Google AdWords Management Application – Trying to Finish

Yes, after all these months, we are still trying to finish the Google AdWords management application. Some time in late November, I decided that it was just going to take me too long to finish and stabilize the program myself. So I decided it was time to seek some...

Do Not Fear the Missing Google Rankings

We have recently begun being more aggressive promoting our own web site. We have very strong rankings for search engine marketing related keywords that contain the word “Nashville”, which is generally where we advise businesses with a brick-and-mortar...

Search Engine Marketing: Going Wide Versus Going Deep

We are in discussions to provide search engine marketing services to a company with a very significant presence in numerous Latin American countries. One of their primary competitors has been making extensive use of Google’s content network to distribute its...

Microsoft Buying Yahoo! Would Be Wonderful for Advertisers

I read over the weekend that Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo!. They are willing to pay a nice premium over where the stock is at right now (having been beaten down by disappointing earnings), so it would represent a nice profit for Yahoo! stockholders. Will the deal...

Shopper Frustration: Local Businesses Losing Sales by not Using the Web

Local businesses are losing sales by not taking advantage of the Web as a sales tool. No, this is not based on any kind of poll or data analysis. It’s based purely on my own experiences. It is usually the case that for every one person who experiences a problem,...

Managing a Paid Search Campaign: The Importance of Goals

I’m still working on the specs for our Google AdWords management application. I have to say…even just doing specs for something like this is a laborious task. Trying to get everything out of my head and onto paper that I want the application to do is...

Friday Afternoon Musings

Friday afternoon…and we’ve not made a single blog post this week. Not good. I don’t really even have any knowledge to impart today, so I figured I would just use this post to let you know what’s going on around the Work Media offices.We have...

Seach Engine Optimization: Get the Link Out

We have been thinking a lot about this whole linking thing that is causing such an uproar in the Internet marketing community. If you haven’t heard, Google is supposedly cracking down on paid links and is de-emphasizing the importance of links to a site’s...